Leadership Development Camp accepting applicants

Developing leadership skills? Enjoying camp? Making new friends?  Being challenged personally?  Sounds incredible! If you are between the ages of 16 and 18 and want to make some life-long friends while having the time of your life than apply for Golden Lake...

Apply to be a Counsellor-in-Training (14-15 yr olds)

We are really excited to announce that Jennifer McCalister is the head counsellor for 2014 and will be coordinating the CITs.  Check out the CIT page for more information and the application form.  CIT is an amazing way to have an excellent week at camp, gain skills...

Looking for volunteers

Every summer at Golden Lake over 50 awesome volunteers share their time, creativity and resources to help create an incredible summer for over 400 campers! We’re looking for people right now. If you are 17 years old or over and want to spend 1 week, 2 weeks...

Leadership Development Camp Application Time!

Leadership Development Camp 2014 – application forms are being accepted right now!  So if you are 16 or older and ready for a 2-week adventure to remember for the rest of your life – check out the Leadership Development Camp Page for more information and...

Perm Staff Applications Closing March 1

UPDATE: Interviews have started and will continue throughout March. Don’t be afraid to apply, though; we will still take new applications until we’ve hired everyone! If you want to check in about what positions are left or how you can best contribute to...

Getting ready for summer 2014!

It might only be February, and the snow is flying – but we’re getting prepared and excited for the summer! Camp is only 148 days away! If you want to have an amazing summer – check out the summer schedule and think about registering for camp –...